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Our Nasal inhalers are a plastic tube that encases a cotton wick that is doused in menthol, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and other essential oils that help you breathe easier. Essential oils come from plants and each one has unique aromatic properties that give it a distinct characteristic.
They offer a convenient and cost-effective way to benefit from essential oils without bothering others around you with the aroma.

They’re also easy to carry around wherever you go, whether in your back pocket or your purse.

Breathe Nasal Inhaler

    • Temporarily relieves nasal congestion due to colds
    • Fast relief of Nasal congestion
    • Easy to carry and can be used almost anywhere
    • Soothing essential oil blend with Menthol
    • Always read and follow the label. Keep all medicine out of reach of children and pets.
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